Ways We Give
We believe that giving is part of our worship
Supporting the vision...
We believe that giving is part of our worship. It shouldn’t be something we do out of a sense of duty or coercion. Generosity is a natural response when we encounter the generosity that God has lavished on us.
If you’re part of the church we would love to invite you to give regularly; just grab a Giving Envelope at the connect table to set up a regular standing order or give a one-off donation.
If you are a UK tax payer, please do complete a Gift Aid form, available on the back of our Giving Envelopes which you can get from a host at any of our gatherings. This allows us to reclaim the tax paid on your donation, at no cost to you.
Where your gift goes...
Your gifts make all the difference to what we are able to do as a Church. We rely on gifts to run our activities, employ staff and facilitate the services we run for the wider community. This includes supporting those in need locally, such as Chichester Heart for the Homeless and Chichester Distict Foodbank, as well as supporting projects abroad through Tearfund.

Ways to give...
There are many ways you can give to Revelation Family Church:
You can give online – DONATE
You can set up a standing order using the following account details:
Account name: Revelation Community
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account number: 00019987
If you can add a reference please put your first name followed by “giving”